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- Five elements

”At 3.22 on 26th of July I woke up suddenly very energetic, went out to the lake and experienced one of my finest moments in life. There was something really special about the sun. I could feel it, and crescent the moon calmed me down. The moment was a reminder that we have nature, which is all encompassing in its beauty, fragility and strength. I was close to the sky. I could not continue sleeping. I tried a bit, but I noticed that I had to go out again so I would not lose this magic. The light had changed, the beauty was still stunning, but the special moment passed away already. I was happy.”
In summer 2019, I spent time close to nature without electricity and running water. I enjoyed a wooden sauna by the lake, clean air and fresh lake water, and magical moments in the early hours when the moon and sun forced me step out from the cottage. I enjoyed the power of the forest, the music of the trees and wind. At the same time, I felt sorrow and anxiety about how man ruins and burdens the balance of nature.
There the theme for Tampere Chamber Music festival 2021 was born.
Five elements, water-tree-fire-earth-metal, is based on the old traditional Chinese philosophy of energies through these elements, which balance and feed each other. Chinese medicine and its holistic wisdom have always fascinated and interested me. The maintaining  of energy, strengthening and reviving the body has been the meaning of qigong exercises, which we will soon learn.
Change is the truth of life. Time will show where we are moving. The wisdom is now a challenge to all. Tampere Chamber Music -festival is the first carbon neutral festival in classical music in Finland. We will compensate the emissions by planting 31 young trees to the carbon sink of Tampere Hall in Lempäälä.
Pain, sorrow, hope, love, connection, empathy. The simple elements of nature and their balance inspires me a lot. What does a human need and what is real? Tampere Chamber Music wants to give hope, protect nature and bring experience as chamber music.  The connections and changes give a new possibility.
Music is movement and energy. It combines and strengthens. The winds of changes blow, there are new opportunities depending what we are strengthening and regulating.
A musician is always in the present while playing. Creative impulses and speechless communication bring each performance to a unique path. At this festival I have tried to connect artists where they communicate more based on their intuitions than on spoken agreement.
The elements – tree, fire, earth, metal and water create the entity of the theme for the chamber music concerts, where music flow is brought up in many senses. We also feel the flow through lighting and movement. 
There is also “pain and brain” in the winds of change. The festivals includes a lecture by M.D. specialist in Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Jukka Pekka Kouri and a lecture by brain researcher and professor Minna Huotilainen.
Sciences, senses and intuition – such a fascinating combination!
When we discover the connection between music and nature, we are humbled by the similarities we share with them. We wonder at the vast world of connections they create and feel small amidst the expanse. But large things grow from small beginnings.
We warmly welcome you to the journey of change!
Heini Kärkkäinen
Tampere Chamber Music
Artistic director
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Heini Kärkkäinen

Photo: Matti Kyllönen

2-5.6. & 12-13.11.2021

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